Thursday, February 12, 2015

2015 Reading Challenge: Adaptation by Malinda Lo

Adaptation is a bit light on the sci-fi and heavy on the teenage romance.  That being said, I believe it would be a great book for the audience for which it was intended, but left me (an adult reader) a bit underwhelmed...but not underwhelmed enough that I didn't read the second book to see what happened next.  I kept reading mostly because I was hoping that Lo would do more to develop some of the interesting science fiction themes that she outlines in the novels.  As far as the romance goes, it was exciting to see a bisexual character in a book for teenagers, but the character is sort of unexpectedly (to herself) bisexual, so it feels a bit reluctant at times. Overall, it is a book that I will recommend to my 14 year old daughter, but one that I would caution adult readers to go into with expectations set.  Appropriately so.

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